
Axie Infinity 是由越南工作室 Sky Mavis 开发的一款基于非同质化代币的在线视频游戏,以其使用基于以太坊加密货币的游戏内经济系统而闻名。Axie Infinity 的玩家收集和铸造代表着蝾螈风格的数字宠物(称为 Axies)的 NFT。

Dogami is a web3 game that blends the excitement of raising cute pet NFT collectibles with interactive gameplay, allowing players to adopt, train, and compete with virtual dog avatars.

Empowering gamers with Web3 for next-level fun and rewards.

Set in the whimsical world of The Lost Land, The Lost Donkeys invites players to step into the hooves of displaced donkeys as they work to create a new home. Through farming carrots, crafting upgrades, and overcoming natural disasters, players engage in a lighthearted yet strategic adventure. With a focus on collaboration and creativity, it’s a game about building a brighter future for the donkeys one harvest at a time.
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