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Aavegotchi is a game developed by Pixelcraft Studios that combines NFTs and DeFi. Players can stake their NFT avatars with interest-generating tokens and engage with the Aavegotchi metaverse.
Aavegotchi is a DeFi-enabled crypto collectibles game developed by Singapore-based Pixelcraft Studios that allows players to stake Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) avatars with interest-generating tokens and interact with the Aavegotchi metaverse. It is a unique combination of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and NFTs. Aavegotchis are pixelated ghosts living on the Ethereum blockchain, backed by the ERC-721 standard. Their value is determined by rarity level, which is calculated via multiple factors, such as base traits, amount of staked collateral/aTokens, and equipped wearables.
Playing Instruction
1. What is Aavegotchis?
Aavegotchis, a rare crypto collectible that lives on the Ethereum blockchain, uses the widely used ERC-721 standard. Aavegotchis are NFTS pledged with AAV-backed DEF-backed ERC20 tokens, called aTokens. Aavegotchis possess three attributes that determine their overall value and rarity in the Aavegotchi universe - Spirit Force, Traits, and wearables.
2. How to get Aavegotchi?
There are two ways to purchase an Aavegotchi.:
● The first is to purchase a Portal during a new Haunt and then summon an Aavegotchi.
●The second is to head over to the Aavegotchi Baazaar, our secondary NFT marketplace, and either purchase a Portal or a summoned Aavegotchi.
If you decide to purchase your first Aavegotchi through the Baazaar, you will need to decide if you want to purchase a Portal, and then summon your own Aavegotchi, or simply purchase an Aavegotchi that has already been summoned.
Purchasing an Aavegotchi that has already been summoned is easy. You simply exchange GHST for the Aavegotchi and begin taking care of it! If you choose to purchase a Portal, you will begin by exchanging GHST tokens for a Portal. Then go to and select your Portal. If you purchased a closed Portal, you will need to open it. After it is opened, Chainlink VRF is engaged, ensuring the traits of each Aavegotchi within the Portal are verifiably random.
3. Aavegotchi Spirit Force
Every Aavegotchi is powered by Spirit Force. Upon opening a portal, the summoner (you!) has to imbue your Gotchi with Spirit Force to summon your new-found friend to life! Spirit Force are interest-bearing tokens embedded within your Aavegotchi! This makes your Aavegotchi increasingly valuable over time!
The minimum Spirit Force of an Aavegotchi is initially defined by its Base Rarity Score -- the unique combination of traits assigned to an Aavegotchi when it is summoned. Although these traits may change over time, the minimum stake remains fixed through the lifetime of an Aavegotchi. There is no upper limit for the collateral stake.Transferring an Aavegotchi to a new owner also transfers its Spirit Force (the staked collateral).
If the owner of an Aavegotchi desires to completely remove the Spirit Force stake, the Aavegotchi will be ejected back to the Nether Realm forever and the collateral will be returned to the owner.
4. Aavegotchi Traits
Aavegotchis possess multiple traits that influence their rarity, their performance in mini-games, and the wearables they can equip. Some are generated randomly upon summon, some depend on user interactions with the Aavegotchi, and some are even defined by the Aavegotchi community.
Six Randomly-Generated Traits:AGG = Aggressiveness、NRG =Energy、SPK = Spookiness、BRN = Brain Size、EYS = Eye Shape、EYC = Eye Color
Upon summon, every Aavegotchi is assigned several random trait values using the Chainlink VRF random number generator. Trait values are distributed on a bell-curve, and each trait is assigned a value of Common, Uncommon, Rare, or Mythical, depending on its rarity.
Aavegotchis possess six traits initially, although these may be extended in the future via voting in AavegotchiDAO. Some traits, like the Aavegotchi's body colour (other than plain old white), will be defined by the AavegotchiDAO for every new haunt!
Unlike other games, in Aavegotchi, there is no “optimal” trait. Each attribute (except for eye shape and eye color) has different effects in different mini-games. For example, Aavegotchis with higher energy may perform well in races, but would not perform well in a meditation mini-game. The tables below detail each trait by rarity
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●Spirit Force Trait Modifiers:The type of spirit force that your Aavegotchi has also influences their trait values.
●Experience: Aavegotchis Level up by gaining more experience by voting in AavegotchiDAO and participating in mini-games. Every third level, Aavegotchis gains a soul point, which can be used to increase or decrease a trait.
5. Aavegotchi Wearables
Not every wearable can be equipped by every Aavegotchi. Some wearables may be exclusively equipped by Aavegotchis staked with certain collaterals, those of a certain level, and those with certain traits. Some wearables can increase or decrease certain traits of an Aavegotchi. For example, equipping a sword may slightly boost an Aavegotchi’s aggressiveness, whereas equipping a Bob Marley shirt may decrease its energy level.
The colour of the border surrounding the wearables indicates its rarity:
●Common: Cornflower Blue
●Uncommon: Water Leaf
●Rare: Malibu
●Legendary: Koromiko
●Mythical: Lavender Rose
●Godlike: Aquamarine
6. Aavegotchi Mini-games
What’s the fun of owning an Aavegotchi if you can’t play with it? One of the core experiences of the Aavegotchi game will be exploring the Aavegotchi Realm overworld with friends and pitting your Aavegotchis against theirs.
Some mini-games will be played using simple random number generators (RNGs), whereas others will offer more immersive, player-controlled experiences.
Each mini-game will use different Aavegotchi traits to enable fair gameplay for a wide variety of trait distributions. For example, a HYPER-AGGRESSIVE Aavegotchi may perform well in an Aavegotchi Fight Club, but may not be well-suited to a cake-baking mini-game.
7. Aavegotchi Baazaar
The Aavegotchi Baazaar is the official secondary marketplace for Aavegotchi. Sellers can list their items for sale. There will be a listing fee of 0.1 GHST for every new listing on the Aavegotchi Baazaar. This is to prevent spam listings on Polygon. This 0.1 GHST goes neither to Pixelcraft Studios nor to AavegotchiDAO. Instead, it will be sent directly to the burn address on Polygon when a listing is created or updated.
When an item is sold, the seller gets 96.5% of the sales price deposited to their wallet. The other 3.5% is allocated as follows:
●2% to Pixelcraft Studios
●1% to AavegotchiDAO
●0.5% to Rarity Farming reward pool
All listings have a 1 GHST minimum. If a seller wants to price an item below 1 GHST, multiple items must be listed so that the total listing price is at or above 1 GHST. Buyers may buy 1, some, or all of a multiple item listing.
8. What is the Gotchiverse?
The Gotchiverse is Aavegotchi’s metaverse. Within the Gotchiverse players will explore, build, battle, earn, and socialize using their Aavegotchi.The Gotchiverse occupies a vast expanse of land, with key landmarks distributed across its geography. It has three distinct zones:The Citaadel、The Grid、The Beyond
●THE CITAADEL:Protected by a Force Field that keeps out lickquidators, the Citaadel is the home base of Aavegotchis in the Gotchiverse. Towers cannot be built in the Citaadel, except for in special areas around the Great Portal.
●The Great Portal:A key landmark within the Citaadel is the the Great Portal. The Great Portal is a structure of impressive magical character, capable of bridging the chasm between the Gotchiverse and the Human Realm. Within the Great Portal swirl the spirits of all Aavegotchis that ever existed. The Great Portal protects the Gotchiverse Citaadel, taking in return a small tithe of the Gotchus Alchemica harvested from the Gotchiverse.
●THE GRID:The Grid encompasses everything outside of the Citaadel. Parcels in the Grid are much more plentiful, but owners should beware -- lickquidators are lurking in every corner. Grid Parcels can build both Walls and Towers.
●The Aarena:A key landmark in the Grid is the Aarena.
Although Aavegotchis are frenly, they do realize that aggressive urges need an outlet, which is why they created the Aarena.Within the Aarena, Aavegotchis with high enough Spirit Force (Aave-powered interest-bearing aTokens) can battle against each other in epic Battle Royales, competing for the Spirit Force of their opponents.Lickquidators dare not enter into the Aarena, instead opting to frequent the Phantastic Grounds, another friendly-fire area that also allows lickquidators to enter.
●THE BEYOND:Locked Parcels that will not be unlocked until the beginning of Act 2.
9. Gotchiverse Realm
The Aavegotchi Realm is a 2D pixelated metaverse for Aavegotchis, where Aavegotchis can encounter each other, participate in mini-games, call smart contracts, and participate in governance of the AavegotchiDAO.
Owners of Aavegotchis will be able to purchase parcels within the Aavegotchi Realm, known as REALM, and build dapps within them.
●Owners of REALM parcels can employ their Aavegotchis (and those of others) to farm their REALM parcels, producing quantities of resources known as Gotchus Alchemica. These resources can be combined to create powerful structures known as Installations.
●The Gotchiverse is an open-ended social space where players can engage in myriad activities, such as farming, crafting, trading, and combat.
●Although there are no victory conditions or “end of game” scenarios, one overarching goal of the Gotchiverse is to collect Alchemica to bolster your parcel to produce more yield, and build defensive structures in preparation for the coming of the Prophecy, and the great lickquidators invasion.
●Players that possess Lickquidator Credits can opt to play as lickquidators. Lickquidator Credits can be earned by completing tasks, referring friends, participating in airdrops, or other ways. They can also be purchased with GHST.
●The main goal of a lickquidator is to collect loose Alchemica that has been spilled around the Gotchiverse, but they can also engage in combat with Aavegotchis and offensive Installations to earn Alchemica.
●Lickquidators are envisioned as a free-to-play entry point to the Gotchiverse Realm, with no cap on supply and limited collectability.
●There is also a Gotchi Lending feature that allows Gotchi owners to lend out their Gotchis to other players for a set period of time to try out the game.
Parcels come in three sizes, with each size providing greater deposits of Alchemica* and more building space
●Humble: Contain smol deposits of Alchemica and building space (8 x 8 pixels)
●Reasonably Sized: Contain reasonable deposits of Alchemica and building space (16 x 16 pixels)
●Spacious: Contain huge deposits of Alchemica and building space (32 x 64 pixels)
10. Entering the Gotchiverse
●The Gotchiverse is accessible at need a Gotchi to access the Gotchiverse.Select the Gotchi that you will be using and click on the portal to enter.
●Next, you need to select the Gotchi's spawn location. You can select from various locations on District 1, any REALM parcel that you own, or a random location.
●Inside the Gotchiverse
●Movement of Gotchis can be controlled using the arrow keys, WASD keys, or by your mouse.
●Top left: Map of the Gotchiverse. Your current location is reflected as a Gotchi
●Top right: The current Gotchi you are using. The alchemica you have collected with this particular Gotchi
●Bottom left: Chat — can be set to the particular district you are in or throughout the Citaadel
●Bottom right: Crafting Table, Inventory, and Build Mode
●The Crafting Table is used to create new installations using Gotchus Alchemica. Check the Recipes page for some of these installations that you can craft, the Gotchus Alchemica required, and the duration needed to craft them. A transaction is required to craft them.
●Once installations have been crafted, they are reflected in your Inventory.
●Build Mode allows you to place your installations on the REALM parcels you own. A transaction is required to install your installations on your parcel.
11. AavegotchiDAO
Dao is a form of decentralized governance that is token holder voting in order to facilitate organizational decision making. Aavegotchi follows in the footsteps of successful DeFi protocols such as Compound and Synthetix by following a process of “gradual decentralization”, beginning with the founding team, Pixelcraft Studios organizing a DAO-governed token distribution event (DAICO) and culminating in placing governance of Aavegotchi, including all game mechanics, smart contracts, and funding, under the auspices of the AavegotchiDAO, but subject always to the prevailing regulatory environment.
12. Aavegotchi Guilds
Gotchi Lodges will be accessible to Gotchis with a "Guild Crest." A Guild Crest is a particular NFT that must be held or equipped by an Aavegotchi.
There are 2 types of Guild Crests:
●Wearables Crests: An established Aavegotchi protocol ERC-1155 Wearables (such as Common Rofl, or Aave Hero Mask) with limited supply.
●Insignia Crests: Special ERC-1155 NFTs without a fixed quantity that can be minted by Guild Owners and held by Aavegotchi members to allow access into a Gotchi Lodge.
Each Gotchi Lodge can link one Insignia Crest and up to three Wearable Crests. The main difference between the two Crests is that Wearable Crests endow Guild Channeling privileges, whereas Insignia Crests only allow Guild access.
In-Game Economy
Aavegotchi has a multi-token economic model, governance token GHST, and Alchemica in the Gotchiverse game.
Aavegotchi Governance Token GHST
GHST Total Supply: 53,707,138
Uses of GHST:
●Payment: GHST is used as the base currency to purchase various digital assets, such as Aavegotchi portals, wearables, consumables and collectibles, etc.
●Staking: Staking GHST, you can get FRENS, buy lottery tickets and win lottery prizes.
●Governance: GHST will be rewarded to users who participate in the governance of AavegotchiDAO.
●Incentives: Used to motivate sustainable gameplay in the game, such as rarity farming, Bid2Earn, etc.
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GHST can be exchanged for Aavegotchi portals, wearable equipment and consumables, etc., and some of the gas fees earned from it will go to the community governance treasury. To incentivize community governance, a portion of the profits from sales made through GHST will be rewarded to AavegotchiDAO participants. In addition, players who participate in Rarity Farming and get the corresponding ranking will also be rewarded with GHST tokens.
GHST Allocation
Private Round
Pre-sale Round
Token Bonding Curve
Ecosystem Fund
Team Fund
6.05 million
Gotchus Alchemica (ERC20 tokens) are the four elements of the Gotchiverse: Fud, Fomo, Alpha, and Kek. They can be combined to craft Installations and Aesthetica, among other uses.
Gotchus Alchemica can be extracted from REALM in four distinct ways:
●Alchemical Channeling: A basic daily stipend earned by Aavegotchis that comes directly from the Gotchiverse ether, instead of being harvested from the parcel.
●Communal Channeling: Aavegotchis can also collectively channel Alchemica when a Gotchi Lodge Installation has been built upon the REALM Parcel. In order to participate in communal channeling, the Aavegotchi must be wearing the associated Guild Insignia and be present on the REALM Parcel during the ritual. For every additional Aavegotchi participating in the Communal Channeling ritual, Alchemica will be farmed more rapidly.
●Farming: Once a Harvester has been built, Alchemica begin accruing passively, with x amount going into the Reservoir, y amount spilling over to the nearby map, and z amount going to the Great Portal
●Harvesting: Aavegotchis and lickquidators can roam the map, collecting loose Alchemica spilled from mining.
Kinship is used for Alchemical Channeling. Alchemical Channeling is a basic daily stipend earned by Aavegotchis that comes directly from the Gotchiverse ether, instead of being harvested from the parcel. How much Alchemica (FUD, FOMO, ALPHA, and KEK) the Gotchi receives through Alchemical Channeling depends primarily on its Kinship level. Each point of Kinship increases the Alchemical Channeling modifier, by the formula:
Each token has a capped supply,FUD: 100,000,000,000 (100 Billion),FOMO: 50,000,000,000 (50 Billion),ALPHA: 25,000,000,000 (25 Billion),KEK: 10,000,000,000 (10 Billion).
To encourage players to provide liquidity to the Gotchus Alchemica Exchange (GAX), LP providers can be rewarded with GLTR tokens.
The main utility of GLTR is to allow Gotchiverse players to speed up crafting and upgrade their contraptions by burning GLTR, allowing them to level up faster. It also serves as the main token needed for the wearable badge auction; guilds can also choose to burn GLTR to speed up the time to transfer their next guild channel. According to the team, GLTR will be given more game utility in the future.
●CODER DAN @coderdann
Dan aka Coder Dan, is a full stack developer and the creator of Yield Hero, a DeFi dapp that enables users to redirect their AAVE yield toward any address they wish. He is also known for his lead role developing the first ERC721 staked with ERC20s NFT platform, Bullionix. Daniel is based in Fujian, China and fluent in Chinese. In addition to his work in tech, Dan is a tier 1 growth hacker leading Aavegotchi’s initial growth to over 10k Twitter followers and 6000 active Discord citizens. His previous work saw his brand’s Weibo, Bilibili, and WeChat Official account balloon to over 1.5 million followers.
●JESSE @GldnXross
Jesse, AKA GldnXross is a product centric founder who has had a leadership role developing some of the most well known NFT platforms to date including the very first NFT minting platform, Mintable, which is now available on both Ethereum and Zilliqa blockchains. He is also the creator of the Value-Staked NFTs concept mentioned above as the creator of which was the first to offer 3D, high resolution digital collectibles staked with gold stable coins. Prior to his work with Ethereum dapps, Jesse was heavily involved on the digital assets exchange side of the industry serving as the head of international development for ZB Group and prior to that served in China for Lenovo Mobile Unit as a Motorola product improvement and mergers specialist.
●XIBOT @xavieriturralde
Xavier Iturralde aka xibot, is one of the Crypto Art scene’s most accomplished artists and entrepreneurs. His distinct pixel art work has earned him the attention (and sales volume) of NFT traders on OpenSea and Rarible. His innovative $PIXEL token was among the very first social tokens to take hold and demonstrate that NFTs tied to social tokens is a model with legs. His passionate followers are yet another cause for the fomo around Aavegotchi’s all-star team.
●NICK MUDGE @mudgen
Nick Mudge is one of Ethereum’s most accomplished solidity developers. The ERC998 composables standard was authored by Mudge and is among the most important aspect of the Aavegotchi game, allowing a “parent” NFT to equip and carry “child” NFTs with them. More recently, Mudge has headed Ethereum research and development for what has been dubbed the Diamond Standard. This standard offers major breakthroughs for upgradeable contracts and is quickly being adopted by governance focused DAOs.
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